Noeima sent me not one but TWO beautiful pincushions as well as a cross stitched sachet bag, a cross stitch kit and a Portugal potholder as well as a lovely note. Thank you Noeima, they are beautiful!
I mailed my swap to my partner on Saturday but I won't show it here until she receives it. I really hope she likes it!
The really odd thing about my package today was the cross stitch kit. I used to do cross stitch YEARS ago before I started quilting. After I became more involved in quilting the cross stitch got left by the wayside. Just last week while on vacation I stumbled across some cross stitch blogs and decided I needed a change of pace. I twisted Mary's arm to meet me at a cross stitch store near her house and we both bought a few patterns and fabrics. Isn't it such a weird coincidence that Noiema sent me a cross stitch kit in the package? do do do do do do.. twilight zone-ish, don't you think?
So today was my first day back to work after vacation - yuck! Tons of work waiting and a really busy week ahead but DH and I had a nice vacation - or stay-cation- we stayed home, went out to lunch a few times, went the lake, attended a great bbq on the 4th and basically just relaxed.
Have a pieceful day!
I love the fan shaped pin cushion, it's gorgeous. What a pleasure to open this mail
Wonderful, goodies in the mail. I like the fan shaped pin cushion too.
Well guess what! I got your BEAUTIFUL pincushions in the mail today and I am delighted! Thank you so much Caryn. I love them. I will blog them shortly. What a huge package! Thank you for the rose fabrics and the fantastically gorgeous pear and the almost edible scrummy cupcake!!!! And the postcard made me want to hop on a plane and come say thanks in person *LOL*
The pin cushions are lovely! Have fun with your cross stitching. I used to do that too, but quilting changed that!
Wonderful parcel, this swap certainly has been fun.
nice pincushions
glad you enjoyed your week off.
Isn't it great sometimes just to stay home and take the time/have the time to go out to lunch and do what you want to do.
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