Sunday, April 13, 2008

Unexpected Bargains!

The other day on the way home from work DH and I stopped at Borders for a frozen coffee drink thingy. On the way out I noticed a quilting book on the sale shelves right by the door. I went back in and checked out all the sale racks and eventually walked out with 3 new quilting books for my library.

The one in the middle is the one I am most excited about - it has pictures and write-ups of both antique and contemporary quilts - the Salina Rupp quilt is in there as is one by Jinny Beyer. I also ordered a purse book from Amazon that a friend had last week at the firehouse.

I was a little disappointed when I received this - I hadn't noticed when looking at my friend's book that the patterns all have to be enlarged 200% - I hate that but too late now.

Not much other quilty stuff going on here lately - work has been demanding this week - as a matter of fact I am spending most of the weekend on work stuff. This all means I am falling behind on Civil War Diary and Dear Jane blocks but I am confident I can catch up next week and/or the week after. I really am loving those blocks!

Have a pieceful day!


Juliann in WA said...

I have that one in the middle. My dad gave it to me for Christmas about 12 years ago! Enjoy.

Carin said...

I love to find a bargin on a new quilt book!

loulee said...

Bargain books are the best.

Marilyn Robertson said...

What fun! Bargins are always fun, especially if quilt books are involved!