I called DS on the way home from work and he told me I got a package in the mail from Portugal! It was my pincushion from my swap partner from
Linda's pincushion swap. I couldn't wait to get home and open it!
Noeima sent me not one but TWO beautiful pincushions as well as a cross stitched sachet bag, a cross stitch kit and a Portugal potholder as well as a lovely note. Thank you Noeima, they are beautiful!

I mailed my swap to my partner on Saturday but I won't show it here until she receives it. I really hope she likes it!
The really odd thing about my package today was the cross stitch kit. I used to do cross stitch YEARS ago before I started quilting. After I became more involved in quilting the cross stitch got left by the wayside. Just last week while on vacation I stumbled across some cross stitch blogs and decided I needed a change of pace. I twisted
Mary's arm to meet me at a cross stitch store near her house and we both bought a few patterns and fabrics. Isn't it such a weird coincidence that Noiema sent me a cross stitch kit in the package? do do do do...do do do do.. twilight zone-ish, don't you think?
So today was my first day back to work after vacation - yuck! Tons of work waiting and a really busy week ahead but DH and I had a nice vacation - or stay-cation- we stayed home, went out to lunch a few times, went the lake, attended a great bbq on the 4th and basically just relaxed.
Have a pieceful day!